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Kentucky School Advocate - Superintendent evaluation system

The new model in a nutshell

By Maelynn Coldiron
Staff Writer
The superintendent evaluation is the final piece of the state’s new Professional Growth and Effectiveness System. Teacher and principal systems have been piloted for the past few years and will be fully implemented and rolled into the accountability system this school year.
The new model will continue the practice of boards having “critical conversations” with their superintendents in the fall about district delivery targets, resource/support systems, and facilities and resources.
Now, in addition to that, a Superintendent Leadership Plan will enable boards to formatively assess how their schools chief is doing measured against seven leadership standards: instructional, cultural, human resources, managerial, collaborative, influential and strategic. A 10-page form is used that outlines specific indicators in each of those areas.
The board uses this in its summative evaluation, together with the evidence the superintendent has compiled throughout the year to show how he or she has performed in those seven areas.
The superintendent is expected to collect evidence during the year to demonstrate how he or she is stacking up to those standards before the summative evaluation.
Both formative and summative evaluations use a four-tier rating system: exemplary, for exceeding the standard; accomplished, for meeting the standard; developing, for growth toward meeting the standard; and growth required, for areas that the superintendent must address in a Professional
Growth Plan.
Many of these materials, including the superintendent’s evidence and the evaluation, must be uploaded into the state’s electronic school improvement tool, called ASSIST.

KDE rubric for a locally developed superintendent evaluation tool
At minimum, the format will:
Include a formative document (superintendent leadership plan) and summative document
Be established on and aligned to research-based, common standards
Allow for a competency/growth model
Include performance-based, non-numerical, superintendent performance levels
Allow opportunities for superintendent-provided evidence in standards of emphasis
Support superintendent self-reflection and self-evaluation process
Support superintendent/board collaborative identification of standards for emphasis
Establish growth goals in targeted areas for superintendent evidences
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