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KBE signs off on “working conditions standards” designed to maintain strong climate of teaching and learning in state’s public schools


The Kentucky Board of Education meeting approved the Kentucky Working Conditions Standards at its October meeting. These are state standards for teaching conditions so that districts and schools understand the key elements of building a positive school climate.

The Kentucky Department of Education used the North Carolina Teaching Conditions Standards as a model to develop a working draft of teaching conditions standards for Kentucky. The standards are organized around the areas in the Teaching Conditions Survey (i.e., use of time, facilities/resources, community support and involvement, managing student conduct, teacher leadership, school leadership, professional development, and instructional practices/support). 

Once the working draft was developed, the TELL (Teaching, Empowering, Leading and Learning)  Kentucky Teaching Conditions Advisory Team then reviewed and made recommendations to the TELL Kentucky Coalition of Partners on the standards. The Advisory Team is made up of representatives from the Kentucky Department of Education, Kentucky School Boards Association, Kentucky Chamber of Commerce, Education Professional Standards Board, Kentucky Education Association, Kentucky Association of School Councils, Kentucky Association of School Administrators, Kentucky Association of School Superintendents, Jefferson County Teachers’ Association and a local superintendent and administrator. 

The TELL Kentucky Coalition of Partners approved the TELL Kentucky Teacher Working Conditions Standards prior to the standards coming to the state board. The TELL Kentucky Coalition of Partners includes representatives from the same groups as the Advisory Team and also the Office of the Governor, the Kentucky Board of Education, Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education, Kentucky PTA, Legislative Research Commission, Office of Education Accountability, Partnership for Successful Schools, Spalding University, legislators and principals.

To see the standards, click on the following link to the Kentucky Board of Education meeting and then go down to item XVII.:  http://portal.ksba.org/public/Meeting.aspx?PublicAgencyID=4388&PublicMeetingID=7897&AgencyTypeID=1.

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