Kentucky School Advocate
August 2024
Staff Report
KSBA hits the road once again this fall for 12 Regional Meeting stops across the Bluegrass State. Hosted by the association’s elected regional directors and their districts, the slate of meetings represents one of the association’s oldest traditions. For nearly 90 years, Regional Meetings have provided board teams a convenient, local opportunity to actively participate in in-person discussion and board training. Meetings are regularly attended by legislators, Kentucky Board of Education members, KSBA affiliate members and special guests.
“Our members really appreciate KSBA taking the show on the road each year and offering in-person training and networking closer to home,” said KSBA President Karen Byrd, who previously served as KSBA’s Northern Kentucky regional director. “And the districts that host these meetings take so much pride in welcoming members into their communities.”
That local hospitality is often highlighted by student involvement and the showcasing of state-of-the-art school facilities. Host districts serve local food and spaces are often adorned with festive decorations, created by students. A big draw for many attendees, however, is the opportunity to take part in an interactive program and discussion of timely issues facing public schools.
This year’s meeting program features conversation about Amendment 2, which asks Kentucky voters whether to give the state legislature new authority to direct public tax dollars to private schools. Board teams will learn how to address the proposed constitutional amendment with their local communities and gain a better understanding of the impacts on local public schools and the students they serve.
Invitations will be sent by meeting hosts to members in each KSBA region typically in the four to six weeks prior to the meeting. Dinner is provided to registered attendees, billed by the host district, with prices varying by region. Regional meetings count for 1.25 hours of state-mandated school board training credit.