Voice Recognition

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Kentucky School Advocate
August 2024

Henry County School nutrition director wins statewide award

Henry County School Nutrition Director Anna Lusk was recently named the Kentucky School Nutrition Director of the Year by the School Nutrition Association. 

During the COVID-19 closure Lusk made sure students had access to free meals. She has also applied for and received several grants for equipment that have enhanced efficiency and safety for staff. She implemented a very successful summer meals program that provides much needed food assistance.

Lusk is pictured with Steve Abbott, Kentucky SNA President.

Lusk also advocates for school nutrition by speaking to state and national legislators to enact regulations to better serve children. Recently, she worked with regional producers to get fresh local meats and produce on the school menu. She has also teamed up with a Henry County High School agriculture teacher and FFA advisor to offer student-grown vegetables at HCHS.

“Her work ethic, care for her staff and dedication to our students is nothing short of amazing,” said HCPS Superintendent Jim Masters. “No one is more deserving of this award. We are so very fortunate to have Anna in this position and in our HCPS family.”

Warren County PR wins national award 

Warren County Schools’ communications department staff won a Golden Achievement Award from the National School Public Relations Association. The NSPRA’s Golden Achievement Award recognizes outstanding, strategic work in all aspects of school public relations, communication, marketing and engagement. 

Warren was the only Kentucky district to win a golden achievement award this year. The recognition was for “Investing in our Future,” a two-part video series designed to show the need for increased school funding featuring several certified and classified educators struggling to make ends meet. At the end is a call to action with contact information for state lawmakers. The videos received millions of views on both Facebook and YouTube. 

The project was submitted by Lauren Thurmond, communications coordinator, Dale Parker, voice and data communications specialist, and Tracey Young, director of Grants and Community Outreach. 

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