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Welcome to KSBA’s Amendment 2 resources page. Here, association members and advocates who value the education of all students – including the nearly 600,000 currently served by Kentucky’s public schools – can learn more about the amendment and its potential impacts. KSBA’s collection of resources below provides pertinent downloadable documents, answers to frequently asked questions, talking points, news stories and more.
This page contains the following resources (in order):
- About the Amendment
- How will Amendment 2 appear on the ballot?
- 7 legal exceptions created by Amendment 2
- Amendment 2 information resource links, downloads and video
- Downloadable advocacy graphics
- Amendment 2 advocacy shop (yard signs, apparel, etc.)
- Other Amendment 2 resources links
- Testimonial slideshow
About the amendment: Currently, Kentucky’s constitution prohibits the use of public tax dollars to fund private schools and other nonpublic education providers, as recently demonstrated by court decisions striking down legislation that attempted to do so.
Amendment 2, often referred to as the “Voucher Amendment,” is a proposed constitutional amendment that will appear on Kentucky ballots during the 2024 election season. The amendment resulted from the passage of House Bill 2 during the 2024 Regular Session of the General Assembly.
Voters will decide whether to amend Kentucky’s constitution to give the state legislature broad new authority to send public funds to schools “outside the system of common (public) schools.” As written, Amendment 2 seeks to create exceptions/loopholes for seven different sections of the Kentucky Constitution and allow public dollars to fund private schools and other private education providers.