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Federal and State Law Update

2024 Federal and State Law Update
KSBA’s 18th Annual Federal and State Law Update will be held virtually from 9 a.m. until noon (ET) on Thursday, June 6, 2024. This webinar is open to anyone, but is highly recommended for school board members, superintendents, administrators, board attorneys, finance officers and other district personnel with policy-enacting responsibilities.

This 3-hour virtual conference, hosted each spring, is presented by knowledgeable KSBA staff and includes an in-depth legislative session recap, board policy and procedure updates, recent Open Meetings and Open Records decisions, case law developments and federal updates. View/download an event flyer complete with event schedule and presenter information.

Pre-registration is required at a rate of $225 per individual*. 

NEW! KSBA now also offers a special “District Wide” rate. This special value is perfect for districts where several members of a board team and district staff wish to participate. The “District Wide” option ($1,100*) comes with the following:

  • Access for all your school board members (good for 3 hours of state-mandated board training credit)
  • Access for superintendent (good for 3 hours of EILA credit)
  • Access for school board attorney (good for 3 hours of CLE credit**)
  • Access for an unlimited number of other participants such as assistant superintendents, principals, finance officers, central office staff, etc. (sharable link).

Participants are typically eligible for 3 hours of training credit (state-mandated board training, CLE** and EILA). For board members, the training qualifies for Level IV/V elective credit in KSBA's Academy of Studies. 
Questions? Contact [email protected].
*due at time of registration by credit/debit card
**CLE approval requested

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