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Board Vacancies

To assist your local school board in the event of a member vacancy, KSBA provides a checklist for you to follow, as well as the statute, policies/procedures that govern this process and a comprehensive "Frequently Asked Questions" document.

Once a resignation is received and approved by the Board, it has 60 days to appoint a replacement. The Board should formally accept the resignation and declare that a vacancy exists at an open meeting – either at the next regular meeting or a special called meeting. On the date at which the vacancy is declared, the 60-day period provided for filling the position will begin. 

This process ensures that the community is notified, and interested parties have the information and time necessary to recruit candidates or to apply for the position themselves.  The checklist outlines the steps required by law to publicize the opportunity and to finalize the Board’s choice.

As you know, it is important to choose a replacement who wishes to fully participate in governing an effective school system with student success as the singular focus. Also, this person should understand that he/she must become a member of a Board team that functions in a unified manner. And, once the new Board member is appointed, he/she must fulfill specified training required by law.

The staff of the Kentucky School Boards Association is here to assist you in any way to make sure your process goes smoothly. Please let us know if we can provide additional services such as:

  • Helping develop a plan to choose a new member and reorient the new team;
  • Facilitating candidate interviews; or
  • Providing administrative support for the process.

Questions may be directed to [email protected] or (800) 372-2962.


Board appointment checklist

Board Vacancy Policy 01.3

This policy document details the process of filling a board vacancy.

Board Vacancy Procedure form 01.3 AP.2

This procedural document provides the following easy-to-use templated forms:

  1. Vacancy Letter
  2. Announcement of Vacancy
  3.  Appointment Announcement
  4.  Appointment Letter to New Board Member

Board Vacancy Procedure form 01.3 AP.21 

This procedural document provides a sample board application form.

Frequently Asked Questions - Filling a Board Vacancy 

Reference this document for commonly asked questions about filling board vacancies. 

If boards choose to interview candidates, as a best practice, KSBA advises to ask the same questions of all interviewees. These sample questions are suggestions and are not required to be used. 
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