Serving your community through service as a local school board member is rewarding, but also challenging. KSBA offers many resources to help you fill that role, beginning with our School Board Leadership Guide.
KSBA’s School Board Leadership Guide serves as a road map of school board roles, responsibilities and relationships. Part legal, part best practices and part drawn on the experience of KSBA staff, the guide provides information and insights into many duties and leadership scenarios in which board members may find themselves. Please review it carefully, as you’ll find chapters on board policy, meetings, the board/superintendent relationship, school councils, fiscal management, facilities, student achievement, discipline, risk management and more.

*School board members in Kentucky can receive 2.5 hours credit towards state-mandated school board training by completing self-study of the School Board Leadership Guide (while actively serving as a board member). If you have not previously utilized the option to obtain credit for self-study of this manual and would like to do so, please complete/submit the form after you have completed study of the leadership guide.
If you have questions regarding this form, or your board member training requirements, please contact KSBA Board Team Development by phone at 800-372-2962 or email at [email protected].