Join more than 169 Kentucky school districts and other agencies that use the KSBA Online Manual Service.
This convenient service allows districts to make their policies and procedures accessible to students, staff and community members. As technology continues to advance, all stakeholders expect and appreciate this service. An online manual provides the board of education's policies and procedures in a fully searchable, easy-to-use format that can be viewed from any electronic device with Internet access.
Saves Time, Paper and Money
Putting documents online will reduce: the number of hard copies needed, staff time associated with changing out pages in manuals, and the cost of printing and mailing.
Accurate and Current
Posting board policies and/or procedures online gives staff members another tool for keeping abreast of their responsibilities. Online manuals can be updated in a matter of hours rather than days.
Convenient and Accessible
District policies and/or procedures are available at all times to staff, board members, media, and the general public. The online manual is a great resource for staff orientation and training. In addition, it also is accessible via the KSBA portal for eMeeting users
Fully Searchable
Users are able to search an entire online manual by word or phrase without having to know the policy or procedure code.
Secure and Reliable
The board's policies and/or procedures will be stored on the KSBA server and a link provided on the KSBA web site, or if the district prefers, a link can be posted on the district web site(s). Only when a district's KSBA policy consultant is notified of a policy amendment or procedure revision will that document be updated and added to the board’s online manual. (Online users are not able to change the original document stored on KSBA servers.)
Printable Documents
Policies and procedures can be printed with a simple click of the mouse. Output is a facsimile of the actual document in the board’s hard copy manual.
Resource Links
Links are provided to state laws (KRS) and administrative regulations (KAR) referenced at the bottom of board policies.
No Additional Hardware/Software
All you need to access online documents is a device with internet access.
For more information, contact you policy consultant or email [email protected].