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Voice Recognition

Leadership Role of School Board

Research has clearly demonstrated that public school boards can - and do - play a significant role in their district's student achievement.
The Lighthouse Project, a project using more than 10 years of data conducted by the Iowa Association of School Boards and the Iowa Education Foundation, studied whether school boards made a difference in student learning and strived to define the role of a school board in student achievement. It found that school boards in high achieving districts are significantly different than school boards in low achieving districts in what they believe, what they know and what they do.
The project identified five leadership roles for school boards in improving student achievement. All KSBA training modules are designed with these five roles in mind.

Five ways boards can improve student achievement

  1. Set clear and high expectations
    • Truly believe more is possible for your students
    • Establish a clear focus for improvements.
  2. Create the conditions for success
    • Demonstrate commitment to improvement through board discussion and action. 
    • Align all parts of the system around the students learning needs.
  3. Hold the system accountable
    • Determine indicators (evidence) of progress and success. 
    • Routinely monitor, receive reports and ask questions.
  4. Create the public will to succeed
    • Create awareness of the district needs. 
    • Connect with the community.
  5. Learn as a board team
    • Establish time to learn together as a board/superintendent team. 
    • Talk about what is most important – engage in policy development to sustain improvements for all students.
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