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Laura Cole

Online training to keep you on track

Kentucky School Advocate
May 2020

By Laura Cole
KSBA Director of Board Team Development

In addition to KSBA’s major conferences, in-district trainings and regional meetings, KSBA has built a robust collection of online and self-study training options, bringing the learning to you in the comfort of your own home or office. Take advantage of these insightful webinars and video-based courses to stay on top of your state-mandated board training. KSBA does not set training requirements for school board members, but we make it as easy as possible to complete your courses! 

We are offering 10 hours of new training opportunities in the coming months. For a complete breakdown of all KSBA trainings, including full agendas and easy online registration, visit ksba.org and click on the “Training & Events” tab.

KSBA’s 14th Annual Federal & State Law Update Virtual Conference – June 2
This year’s Law Update will be held as a live virtual conference from from 9 a.m. to noon (Eastern) June 2. Topics include a 2020 legislative session recap, board policy and procedure update, Open Meetings Act and federal law updates, and a CARES Act federal funding overview. The cost is $150 per person, earning board members three hours of training credit. Space is limited. 

“Learn and Earn” Webinar Series
Join KSBA the second Wednesday of each month for an hour of board training in one of the three state-mandated topics. Sessions will run from noon until 1 p.m. (Eastern) at a cost of $50 per session. Pre-registration is required, and space is limited. Can’t make it to one of the webinars? A recording of each “Learn and Earn” will be made available for self-study credit following the live event.
May 13 – Nickel Equalization and Budget Shortfalls: Receive an update on the 2021 state budget and how shortfalls happen from Chay Ritter of the Kentucky Department of Education. The session will also offer 15 minutes of bonus training for a brief legislative update from KSBA’s Eric Kennedy. This session will run from noon to 1:15 p.m. and be worth 1.25 hours of credit. (Counts toward mandated finance training requirements)
June 10 – Overview of the Annual Financial Report and Tax Rates: An overview of the Annual Financial Report and how to read the numbers that tell the year’s financial story. There will also be an overview on setting tax rates, including the difference in rates and their impacts. (Counts toward mandated finance training requirements)

July 8 – Board Leadership Essentials: Your Public Image: It’s not just the decisions you make as a school board member that impact your district. The image you project depends largely on how your school board conducts its public business. Being a public official is not easy, but we can make the experience better by adopting productive habits and focusing on becoming a healthy team. (Meets mandated ethics training requirements)

Aug. 12 – Using Formative Conversations to Improve Superintendent Evaluation: You don’t have to wait until the end-of the-year superintendent evaluation to monitor goal progress. In fact, you will ensure a more productive evaluation if you hold formative sessions throughout the year to focus on the goals you have set. Hear how making superintendent evaluations a year-round endeavor can ensure focus and reduce stress. (Meets mandated superintendent evaluation training requirements)

Sept. 9 – Making Sense of Dollars: Presenting Financial Information to Non-Financial Audiences: If you think school finance is a tough topic, consider how mind-boggling it is for the people who pay the taxes that fund your programs. This course – developed with help from the Kentucky Association of School Business Officials – offers ways to spell out school budgets and taxes to the community. (Counts toward mandated finance training requirements)

Oct. 14 – Legal & Ethical Considerations for School Board Members: This session offers a refresher of the School Board Member Code of Ethical Conduct and best practices for board members, including conflicts of interest, nepotism and confidentiality. (Meets mandated ethics training requirements)

Nov. 11 – The Biggest Piece of the Budget Pie: Salaries & Benefits: State laws and local board policies call for school boards to set the qualifications, duties and compensation for all district employees. This session helps board members better understand the budget impact of salaries and benefits, salary schedules, funding sources, additional staff pay and staff benefits. (Counts toward mandated finance training requirements)

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