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KSBA Answers

KSBA regional chair may be your opportunity for leadership at the state level

Kentucky School Advocate
August 2023

By Josh Shoulta
KSBA Director of Communications

Six of KSBA’s 12 regions will conduct elections this fall for new regional chairs. If you have thought about serving your association and wish to be more involved in decisions at the state level, this could be your opportunity.

What is it that KSBA regional chairs do?  

KSBA is governed by a 27-member board of directors comprised of school board members from across Kentucky, including 12 regional chairs who are selected by member districts. Regional chairs are voting members of KSBA’s board and serve as the voices for districts in their respective areas of the state. In many ways, the role is similar to that of a school board member, setting strategic direction, approving policies and an annual budget, evaluating the executive director and promoting a positive public image of the association.

With the full support of KSBA staff, regional chairs are uniquely responsible for facilitating and hosting KSBA’s regional meetings held each fall, one of the association’s oldest and most time-honored traditions.

What are the requirements of serving as a regional chair?

Regional chairs serve three-year terms beginning in January. In addition to their core responsibilities, all members of KSBA’s board of directors sign an annual commitment to meet the expectations of service.

They are expected to attend quarterly in-person board meetings, as well as (mostly virtual) committee meetings and potential special-called meetings. KSBA board members are surveyed early on about their availability to minimize scheduling conflicts. KSBA board members also take part in work sessions (held the same weekend as meetings) and represent KSBA at special events such as Annual Conference.

Members of KSBA’s board of directors are also expected to actively participate in discussions at meetings, and to take responsibility for making decisions on issues pertaining to the association’s success. They are to stay informed about what is going on at KSBA, ask questions and seek clarification whenever necessary.

How does one apply to be a KSBA regional chair?

Regional chair nomination forms are now available online. A school board member in good standing who meets the criteria may place his/her name into consideration no later than 15 business days prior to the regional meeting. A regional nominating committee, made up of school board members from that region, will review applications and the new regional chairperson will be elected at your regional meeting. Nominees will have a few minutes during the meeting to introduce themselves and discuss their qualifications before a (secret ballot) vote of members is taken.

What does service as regional chair potentially mean for my district?

This is your opportunity to highlight some of what makes your district so special – from the facilities at which you choose to host regional meetings to the student involvement during those events.

The superintendent of each regional chair’s district serves as the regional secretary-treasurer. Traditionally, the superintendent and his or her administrative assistant will support the regional chair in the planning of the regional meeting each year. KSBA provides a long list of meeting planning resources from sample invitations and agenda templates to conference calls and answers to frequently asked questions.  

For more information

Visit our website to access more information about regional chair service, including online nomination forms for those regions holding elections this fall. (The locations for 2023 regional meetings are also on our website.)

If you have questions, please contact KSBA Executive Director Kerri Schelling. You are also encouraged to reach out to your current regional chairperson.

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