Kentucky School Advocate
January 2024
Staff report
Before KSBA’s Winter Symposium, the Local School Board Member Advisory Council met in Louisville to hear from Interim Education Commissioner Robin Kinney and share their thoughts on education issues in the state.
The 13-member council is charged with giving feedback on issues districts are facing to the Kentucky commissioner of education. At the meeting, the council elected David Webster, of Simpson County, as chair and Larry Dodson, of Oldham County, as vice chair for 2024.
Kinney asked the members what qualities they would like to see in the next education commissioner.
Madison County board member Brandon Rutherford said he wanted a commissioner to focus on curriculum and not on social issues impacting schools.
Brenda Rose, of Whitley County, said she wanted to see someone who would bring stability to the job after the frequent turnover of the past several years.
Kinney agreed: “My wish is for the next commissioner to be able to stay a good long time. So that we can get some stability and some continuity and some momentum”.
Kinney also reminded board members that the next commissioner must be confirmed by the state Senate.
KDE Director of Governmental Relations Brian Perry gave members a preview of the 2024 legislative session and what to expect in a new two-year state budget.
Members also told Kinney they would like the legislature to make full-day kindergarten funding permanent.
“We keep saying every single session, it needs to be codified. A kindergarten student is just like a first-grade student in terms of funding,” she said.
The next LSBMAC meeting will be Feb. 29 before KSBA’s Annual Conference in Louisville.
Photo: Madison County school board member Brandon Rutherford discusses the qualities he would like to see in the next Kentucky education commissioner during the Local School Board Member Advisory Council meeting.