Voice Recognition

KSBA News Article

President's Perspective

Davonna Page

New beginnings

Kentucky School Advocate
January 2023

By Davonna Page
KSBA President

Happy New Year!

January isn’t just the first month in our new calendars. It represents a new chapter for 101 newly elected school board members, who will begin school board service for the first time. January is an exciting and challenging time for new board members as they learn new skills, as well as for experienced members who must help acclimate and mentor their new colleagues.

January also marks the beginning of a new legislative session. Regardless of whether you are a new board member or a seasoned veteran, you will soon realize just how important our advocacy efforts on behalf of public schools are as we kick off the 2023 Regular Session of the Kentucky General Assembly. I invite you to carefully review KSBA’s legislative priorities and other information provided in this edition of the Advocate so you can effectively communicate with your local legislators throughout the session.    

School Board Recognition Month is also celebrated in January! As you know, school board members’ service is not limited to board meetings. We also regularly attend school functions and sporting events. We listen to concerns from our communities, parents and students – wherever we are. We pore over countless board materials, and we advocate for support of our public schools with lawmakers and local officials. Our commitment, first and foremost, is to our students, our districts and our communities.

Just saying “thank you” does not adequately express the gratitude I feel for all 857 locally elected school board members who represent the 171 school districts across this Commonwealth. Like you, I value the benefits public education provides to our communities and I know how valuable your service is to your district. You ensure ALL students have an opportunity for a quality education that will lead to a lifetime of personal growth and success. Public education ensures we have a trained workforce, from medical service providers and law enforcement personnel to the teachers who will educate and inspire future generations of Kentuckians.

While January traditionally is a time of new beginnings, for me this year represents the last opportunity I have to share with you through the President’s Perspective column as my term as your president will come to an end next month at KSBA’s 2023 Annual Conference. It has been an honor to serve you as KSBA’s 47th president. I am so proud of the work KSBA does on behalf of Kentucky’s school districts through our extensive member services like our valuable training, timely communications and year-round advocacy.

I challenge each of you to resolve in 2023 to work collaboratively with the fellow members of your local board team and with other school board teams across the Commonwealth; to continually learn and develop your skills as community leaders; and to be thoughtful in the decisions you make on behalf of your respective districts. Together, in a unified voice, we can positively impact the direction of public education at the local and state levels.

I wish you all a happy, healthy and successful 2023!

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