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KSBA News Article

KSBA First Degree College Scholarship Program

KSBA First Degree College Scholarship Program

Nominations now being accepted

For the sixth consecutive year, the board of directors of the Kentucky School Boards Association will fund two $2,500 scholarships for eligible Kentucky high school seniors to attend any two- or four-year accredited college or university. One scholarship each will be awarded to a male and a female student. These nonrenewable scholarships will be paid directly to the institution of higher education upon the recipients’ official admission acceptances.

Eligible students are those who would be the first members of their immediate families (parents, guardians, siblings) to complete degree requirements from an institution of higher education. Eligibility must be affirmed and signed by the high school guidance counselor and the school district's board chairperson and superintendent. Please review the attached eligibility and timetable requirements.

The one-page application must be completed in its entirety, signed by the guidance counselor, board chairperson and superintendent and must be received by KSBA no later than close of business on Tuesday, Nov. 15, 2016.

Any Kentucky board of education may place in nomination the names of up to two students per public school district, one male, one female with a minimum ACT reading score of 20.

KSBA will accept receipt of the first two eligible application forms per school district (additional applications will be disqualified).

The scholarships will be awarded based on a drawing conducted by the KSBA Board of Directors in December.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Kathy Amburgey, Mike Armstrong or Brad Hughes at KSBA 800-272-2962.

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